cut it up和cut up it有什么区别

投稿:鸢语 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-12-31 11:59
cut it up和cut up it有什么区别

cut it up和cut up it区别:

cut it up 切碎它,把它切碎;

cut up it 切掉它;

up是副词 ,代词放中间;

cut up后面只能跟名词,如果是代词,则必须放中间。

例句:1.Anyway, everything's cut up already when it's cooked, so all you need to do at the table is help yourself.


2.Anyway, everything's cut up already when it's cooked, so all you need to do at the table is help yourself.


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